This episode begins a multi-part series on suicide awareness and prevention, where we’ll focus on the multi-layered issue faced by schools, educators and administrators. As part of the overarching discussion around school safety and security, we’ll be delving into the prevention of suicide by looking at behavioral health, risk factors, warning signs, school climate and other factors. Joining in today’s podcast with host Annette Gray, PSBA’s communication director, is Davelyn Smeltzer, PSBA’s senior director of governance services. Davelyn has been heading up the policy work that has been occurring in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Department of Education. We’ll start our series with today’s part one, which highlights the school policy side of this important topic.
PSBA POLICY – 819. Suicide Awareness, Prevention and Response

Suicide Awareness and Prevention Resources (embedded in PSBA policy)



National and State Organizations



PDE Resource Links

Available on their website and as part of their policy. A comprehensive set of resources for youth suicide awareness and prevention is accessible at: PDE Suicide Prevention & Awareness